Back in December, my sister-in-law told me she & my brother were ordering Bibles for their kids. and, were wondering – if I had time, would I make a cover for each. :-D, for real? of course! However, with time used looking for work and making their “Alaskan hugs” {hmm, just tried linking to that post. apparently I didn’t actually write it out & post it. I’ll get right on that – the ‘Alaskan hugs’ were the quilts I made for the kids for Christmas.}, and the Bibles not coming before mom & dad to head over. The Bible covers didn’t get made. I did need the Bibles to be delivered here so I could make the covers – of course as it turned out, the Bibles were delivered when mom & dad were about half way to Hong Kong.

So, now I knew I’d be sending them in the next Forex Box. Forex boxes are the big boxes we had just sent 3 of, they take about 6 weeks to get there; but there is a new project being prepared for and I knew there were another two, if not three, boxes headed over.

I started to write out the events of January, but I didn’t want to talk about it & you don’t want to read anymore on that…so I took it out. I’m just going to put it in a nutshell: I pray lots when I sew. I was in shock while sewing these – I messed up. A LOT.

So, I prayed lots. prayed for each of the kids. their life. their life in Christ. pleading & begging God for their safety. I exhausted myself in prayer. my arms, heart, & mind ached to hold each of them so much when I was done. ached as if I’d been holding them tight. but aching because it’s been a year since we’ve seen them. and I hadn’t actually been able to hold them. and I haven’t sewn since.

but I have prayed since. LOTS.

Bible Cover Collage

In the end – here are the three Bible covers. for “my” three {other} sweeties.

I wanted each to be unique for the child. This one is Tov’s. He is all boy. He is mechanically minded {think: doesn’t look at you when you are driving away – he’s watching the tires turn}. The men in our family live in Carhart’s. I have a stack of too small/blown out Carharts for all kinds of projects. So, of course, his is made from the leg/thigh of a pair of Carhart’s. The pocket is original, the fabric on top made me think of him using his Bible to keep his direction in this adventure called ‘Life’. I worked hard to get the compass on the front – it worked! The belt & buckle actually work. It’s also functional, so the Bible doesn’t flop open when using the hand handle on the side.


Since I’m so impressed/proud of Tovie’s I’m giving you more pictures of his. {I think Vince might have really liked it too… :-D.}

Tovs cover Collage

This next one is for the oldest, Miah, it is the most subdued. She is a thinker like her daddy, she looks like her daddy. It is painter’s cloth and the backing of her “Alaskan Hug”. {double meaning: her grandpa on her mommy’s side is a painter by trade.} It gives her some texture, without being too in your face. and it should be durable enough to hold up, she isn’t much into being a girly girl. The handle strap is long enough to easily carry on the arm, but not too long to be in the way. It was a really tight fit, but I did finally get it in. I cut the material the same size on all three, but in my messed up state of mind… each one ended up fitting differently. I originally sized it off the Carhart one – ya, notice it doesn’t have a seam on the bottom…duh!


This Bible cover is for sweet middle baby, Avery. She is all about girly girl and flowers. She & I share a love for crafts/sewing, flowers, and notebooks. :-D! After that, all her family similarities align with her mommy & mommy’s sisters. She looks JUST like her mommy & even more her auntie and has so many mannerisms of her auntie. It is so amazing to see these traits come out in children – even when they haven’t been around us most of their life. See the light pink? Ya, that’s ‘cuz when I got done. {totally done. sizing each step of the way} It was a 1/4″ too short to fit on the Bible. no matter what I did! So, I took a deep {deep} breath and my rotary. laid it down. lined up & cut it into two pieces, then worked the light pink in. On the inside it isn’t real pretty, but since you don’t see more than an inch or so. I chose to let it go. {my hand sewing abilities leave LOTS to be desired-I’m better than I was in 8th grade, but I’m a machine sewing girl.} Her handle is like Miah’s – carry over the arm, but not too much as to be in the way.


I have wanted to get these posted for a while now, but just haven’t. I had a mental block to re-live those couple days. I finally did it though! WHOOOHOOOO!!

I’m going to be linking up with Studio JRU and her weekly ‘in the studio’ link up. All through February she posted Love Stories Written By God, it really was amazing to read so many stories of how God orchestrates those He wants together. You really should go on over and read them. and see the beautiful prints she makes.


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